Реалізація логіки гри

Тепер ми можемо підключити усі необхідні заголовні файли, та реалізувати логіку гри у файлі main.cpp:

// Файл main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include "game-defs.h"
#include "game-map-utils.h"

// Checks if user want so play
// Return true if user wants to play; false otherwise
bool doesUserWantsToPlay()
    bool rResult = false;

    std::cout << "Maze Game" << std::endl;

    while (true)
        std::cout << "Do you want to play? (1 - yes, 0 - no):";

        std::string answer;
        std::cin >> answer;

        if ((answer == "1") || (answer == "0"))
            rResult = (answer == "1");

        std::cout << "Sorry, I did not understand." << std::endl;

    return rResult;

// Generates maze
// Parameters:
//       maze - reference to maze field that will be modified
//              (walls added, added character and exit)
void generateMaze(std::array<std::array<char, mazeColumns>, mazeRows> &prMaze)
    for (int row = 0; row < mazeRows; row++)
        for (int column = 0; column < mazeColumns; column++)
            if ((row == 0) || (row == mazeRows - 1) || (column == 0) || (column == mazeColumns - 1))
                prMaze[row][column] = wallSymbol;
                prMaze[row][column] = emptySymbol;

    // Place character
    placeCharRandomly(prMaze, characterSymbol, 1);
    placeCharRandomly(prMaze, exitSymbol, 1);

// Moves character according to given command and retuns eaten symbol (if any)
// Parameters:
//      row - character row position
//      column - character column position
//      command - test string with given command ("l" - left, "r" - right, "u" - up, "d" - down)
//      prMaze - reference to maze field; will be modified as a result of command execution
char moveAndGather(int row,
                   int column,
                   char command,
                   std::array<std::array<char, mazeColumns>, mazeRows> &prMaze)
    char rCharMovedOnto = emptySymbol;

    // Take character out from map
    prMaze[row][column] = emptySymbol;

    if (command == 'l')
        rCharMovedOnto = prMaze[row][column - 1];

        if (rCharMovedOnto != wallSymbol)

    if (command == 'r')
        rCharMovedOnto = prMaze[row][column + 1];

        if (rCharMovedOnto != wallSymbol)

    if (command == 'u')
        rCharMovedOnto = prMaze[row - 1][column];

        if (rCharMovedOnto != wallSymbol)

    if (command == 'd')
        rCharMovedOnto = prMaze[row + 1][column];

        if (rCharMovedOnto != wallSymbol)

    // Place character back with new position
    prMaze[row][column] = characterSymbol;

    return rCharMovedOnto;

// Prints message to player.
// Parameters:
//      message - text message to player
void gameMessage(const std::string& message)
    std::cout << std::endl << message << std::endl << std::endl;

// Moves character and check if exit was found as a result of that move.
// Parameters:
//      prMaze - reference to maze field; will be modified while player moves.
bool moveCharacterAndCheckIfExitFound(std::array<std::array<char, mazeColumns>, mazeRows> &prMaze)
    bool rExitFound = false;

    int charRow = 1;
    int charColumn = 1;
    if (scanForChar(prMaze, characterSymbol, charRow, charColumn))
        std::cout << "Command (l - left, r - right, u - up, d- down):";
        char command;
        std::cin >> command;

        const char charMovedOnto = moveAndGather(charRow, charColumn, command, prMaze);

        if (charMovedOnto == wallSymbol)
            gameMessage("Cannot move here!");

        if (charMovedOnto == exitSymbol)
            gameMessage("Exit found!");
            rExitFound = true;
        gameMessage("Error: cannot find char!");

    return rExitFound;

// Executes one round of the game
void playMazeGame()
    std::cout << "LETS START!" << std::endl;

    std::array<std::array<char, mazeColumns>, mazeRows> maze;

    while (!moveCharacterAndCheckIfExitFound(maze));

int main()
    while (doesUserWantsToPlay())

Збираємо гру

clang++ -c -o random-utils.o random-utils.cp
clang++ -c -o game-map-utils.o game-map-utils.cpp
clang++ -c -o main.o main.cpp
clang++ random-utils.o game-map-utils.o main.o -o maze-game.exe

Після успішної компіляції, запустіть файл maze-game.exe
